

Innovation starts with people. People who are BOLD.

There are countless brilliant minds, innovators, and thought leaders around the world.

In their respective fields, these people set new standards, drive development forward, and find solutions to the challenges of our time.


But what happens if these people are also connected globally and across disciplines? When BOLD MINDS tackle the challenges of our time not only within the boundaries of their area of expertise, but with a common goal for a brighter future in mind?


We believe a union as such would make radical innovations possible – taking place at the crossroads of different industries and countries, away from echo chambers and ivory towers.


That’s why, together with more than 100 trade promotion offices of ours, we deliberated and built the BOLD COMMUNITY: a space where people can meet both in real life and within the digital realm to exchange ideas and promote innovative development; a meeting point to ultimately build the future together.


Through “manufactured serendipity” the unique composition of the BOLD COMMUNITY opens up opportunities to encounter different minds, minds who most likely would have never met, and to bridge their ideas in new ways.


Our tool: curated matchmaking - to meet BOLD MINDS internationally. We are convinced that the future needs unconventionality, bold ideas, and radical innovation. Through targeted matchmaking, distinct fields and sectors can be bridged. To get inspired by bold ideas cross-industry and ultimately make your own bold move towards a better future.

The ideas generated within our community result in actions and knowledge that have a positive impact on businesses, research, and societies on a global scale.

In short: BOLD connects brilliant minds cross-industry and creates unique opportunities that lead to change.